
Price Groups/Schedules Enhancements are Live!

Based on your feedback, additional enhancements to the Price Groups/Schedules feature were released this week. Improvements include support for setting price groups, early discounts, and late fees for session events in programs as well as for the overall session. The following resources are available:
  • Online help. To view the searchable online help, click Help at the top of any Doubleknot page. To make the Price Groups/Schedules information easy to find, there’s a special section on the Contents page.
  • Printable manuals. To view all printable Doubleknot documentation, click User Manuals in the Administer panel. The following updated user briefs contain instructions for using the Price Groups/Schedules feature. In addition, the information is included in the Creating and Editing Calendar Activities Events User Guide and the Creating and Editing Programs User Guide, which provide comprehensive documentation for each module.
    • Setting Up and Assigning Price Groups for Calendar Activity Events (User Brief)
    • Setting Up and Assigning Price Groups for Programs (User Brief)
    • Changing Facility Prices on Scheduled Dates (User Brief)
    • Changing Membership Prices on Scheduled Dates (User Brief)

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