New Twitter Account for System Updates

We’re happy to announce a single, dedicated Twitter account for system news and updates. Starting immediately, @DoubleknotOps will only be used to deliver information to our customers. Our marketing messages, industry news and other information of general interest to mission-based organizations will use @HelloDoubleknot.
If you already follow @DoubleknotInc, you don’t need to make any changes—the name change is seamless and you’re already following @DoubleknotOps.
To ensure that you always receive important system information as quickly as possible, we strongly urge all Doubleknot administrators to follow @DoubleknotOps and set notifications so that you receive tweets from that account immediately. To enable notifications, follow these steps:
- Display the @DoubleknotOps Twitter page.
- If you don’t already follow the account, click Follow.
- Click Turn on Mobile Notifications and follow any additional prompts to enable Twitter notifications for your account.