
How Doubleknot Helps Nonprofits Facing the Overtime Final Rule

Your nonprofit may have to start seriously watching the clock to comply with new overtime regulations.[/caption] In a blog post titled Known, Unknowns, and Options for Nonprofits on the Overtime Final Rule, the National Council of Nonprofits does an excellent job summing up the issues that nonprofits may face to ensure compliance. For example, whether your nonprofit is covered by the law depends on a number of variables about your organization’s activities, your revenues and the state or states in which you operate. Despite the gray areas about how the law pertains to nonprofits, one thing is clear: nonprofits are challenged more than ever to reduce the amount of time-consuming administrative tasks so staff can focus on developing and delivering the core elements of your mission. Doubleknot can help. Doubleknot integrates the administrative and customer-facing functions of ticketing and admissions, registration, reservations, memberships and fundraising into a single system that supports:
  • Online customers
  • Call-in customers and other back-office purchases
  • Retail sales, ticketing and admissions
  • Mobile sales and payments for everything you offer
Doubleknot stores all your information in a single unified database for analytics and reporting, and provides dozens of built-in standard reports as well as a full-featured custom report writer. As a result, it’s easy to share information among departments and generate reports that link previously-unconnected data (like whether families who register for camp also respond to donation appeals.) Nonprofits that rely on Doubleknot spend less time manually managing administrative and information tasks and more time on what really matters: delivering your mission. Call us at (408) 971-9120 x203 or write to learn how Doubleknot can help reduce the time your staff spends on administrative tasks.

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