
Doubleknot Guest Blogging Guidelines

Are you interested in writing an article for the Doubleknot blog?

If you have an educational topic you’d like to write about for the Doubleknot blog, send your submission ideas to Adrian Kimbell, who coordinates guest blogging, to discuss your topic and make arrangements. Please keep in mind that we’re looking for pieces of thought leadership that will stand out from the crowd and help our readership learn a new skill or hone an existing technique.
Here are our general guidelines:
  • Articles of substance — We’re looking for writing that delivers sound advice in a clear and accessible style. The primary goal of the blog is education, and articles should be written accordingly.
  • Careful editing — Doubleknot reserves the right to make final edits on any submitted content to ensure it fits the needs and standards of the blog. Additionally, any guest-authored article on the blog will be proofread after submission and prior to publishing.
  • Appropriate length — To thoroughly cover a topic, we advise that submissions are 1,000+ words when possible.
  • Variety of links — Any links you include should be to educational materials. Please don't link to anything that's overtly promotional (such as a downloadable resource). We're open to including up to three links back to your site within any article you write. We ask that you include two or three links to Doubleknot content and links to educational content on third-party sites, where applicable.
  • Original and purchased images/graphics — We’re happy to include images in any articles you submit. However, please make sure you have the licenses/permissions to reprint any graphics or images you include. If you don't have images, that's okay, too; they're not required.
  • Author bios — Send any byline and author bio information along with your article so that we can give you credit! Typically, our author bios include the author's name, position, company, and any relevant background.

Would you like a member of the Doubleknot team to write for your blog?

Doubleknot team members regularly guest blog on other sites within the industry. If you’re interested in a contribution from Doubleknot, please reach out to Adrian Kimbell ( to make arrangements.

Learn more about Doubleknot's article authors!

David Ellis   David Ellis, Vice President for Sales and Marketing, is a passionate advocate for nonprofit organizations who has spent his entire career helping cultural organizations operate more efficiently and effectively. At Doubleknot, David helps cultural organizations, visitor attractions and scout councils identify innovative data-based strategies to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Before Doubleknot, David was the Director of Strategic Accounts for the Tessitura Network; a nonprofit software company focused on the success of arts and cultural organizations. As a result of David’s efforts, the National World War I Museum, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Calgary Zoo, Canadian Museum for Human Rights and over 40 other cultural attractions joined the Tessitura Network. Before Tessitura, David was the Vice President of Ticketing and Customer Service for the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC).  David has also spent time with AudienceView and Ticketmaster in sales, support and implementation roles and regularly speaks on visitor- and member-related topics at industry conferences.      
Questions about the guidelines or guest blogging on the whole? Please contact  Adrian Kimbell for clarification.

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