BEST PRACTICE: Update Documents Site-Wide with Document Library
| Written by
Doubleknot Support |
The Document Library makes it easy to share documents (like PDFs). You can easily add a link to any item in the Document Library to any page, Newsroom article, or Communications Center email using the DK Links feature in the rich text editor.
One of the Document Library’s most helpful features is support for uploading new versions of the document without needing to change any of the links on the site. For example, if you update the document “Organizational Policies” every year, you can simply replace the document in the Document Library without making any other changes. If you know that a document is likely to be updated, don't use date information in the document’s Title field or in the text of any links to the document. For example, if the Title field for the document and the links on your site say “Current Policy Guide” instead of “2015 Policy Guide,” you can replace the 2015 guide with the 2016 guide without changing any of links on your web site. The current document will always be displayed whenever a visitor clicks the “Current Policy Guide” link. To replace an existing document in the Document Library with a new version, follow these steps:
- On the main Document Library page:
- In the panel at the left, select the document you want to work with.
- On the right, select Edit Document Information.
- Click OK. The Edit Document page will be displayed.
- Click Replace Document. The Replace Document page will be displayed.
- Depending on your browser, click Browse or Choose Files.
- Locate and select the document you want to upload.
- Click Upload. The document will be uploaded and will replace the previous document in all the links on the site.